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Job Study

Job Study (8 Weeks)

Outline of Job

Adapted from Christopher Ash Job: The Wisdom of the Cross, p. 25.

Part 1: Introduction to Job (1:1—2:10)

Part 2: Job’s & His Friends (2:11—31:40)

  1. Introducing Job’s Friends (2:11-13)

  2. Speeches by Job and His Friends (3:1—28:28)

    1. Job’s Lament (3)

    2. 1st Cycle of Speeches

      1. Eliphaz (4-5) — Job (6-7)

      2. Bildad (8) — Job (9-10)

      3. Zophar (11) — Job (12-14)

    3. 2nd Cycle of Speeches

      1. Eliphaz (15) — Job (16-17)

      2. Bildad (18) — Job (19)

      3. Zophar (20) — Job (21)

    4. 3rd Cycle of Speeches (interrupted)

      1. Eliphhaz (22) — Job (23-24)

      2. Bildad (25) — Job (26)

  3. Job’s Summary Speeches (27-28)

  4. Job’s Final Defence (29:1-31:40)

Part 3: The Answers to Job (32:1—42:6)

  1. Introducing Elihu (32:1-5)

  2. Elihu’s Answers (32:6—37:24)

  3. The Lord’s First Answer and Job’s Response (38:1-40:5)

  4. The Lord’s Second Answer and Job’s Response (40:6—42:6)

  5. Conclusion (42:7-17)

October 9

Evening Worship (Psalm 8)

October 16

Morning Worship (Joel 2:28-32)