
Want to become a member?

If you would like to join Gloucester Presbyterian as a member here are the steps:

  1. Contact one of the ministers ( or and we will set up a meeting to discuss membership

  2. We will present your request to the elders’ meeting (‘session’) for approval

  3. If relevant we will contact your previous church to transfer your membership

  4. When your previous church releases you we will organise a Sunday for you to take your membership vows (see below).

Membership Vows

These are the membership vows that every adult member takes upon joining GEPC.

  1. Do you confess that you are a sinner in the sight of God; that you deserve His punishment; that you are unable to save yourself; and that you are without hope of salvation except for God’s love and mercy?

  2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Saviour of sinners; and do you receive and trust in Him alone for your salvation?

  3. Do you accept the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, as the written Word of God; and that it is the only perfect rule of faith and how to live?

  4. Do you promise to trust in the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit so that you can live all of life as a Christian, following the example set by Jesus Christ?

  5. Do you promise to exercise faithful stewardship of God’s resources entrusted to you for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom and purpose?

  6. In loving obedience, do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of this church and the denomination of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales, promising to seek the peace, purity, and prosperity of this congregation as long as you are a member of it?

Listen as Tim gives a brief overview of membership.

Learning more

If you are thinking about membership in the local church we recommend Devoted to God’s Church by Sinclair Ferguson and copies are normally available on the book table at church. Watch below for an extended interview with Dr Ferguson about the book.