Acts 1:1-11

  1. The Historicity of Jesus (1:1-5)

  2. The Coronation of Jesus (1:6-11)

The Westminster Larger Catechism on Jesus’s Ascension:

WLC 53 Q. 53. How was Christ exalted in his ascension?

A. Christ was exalted in his ascension, in that having after his resurrection often appeared unto and conversed with his apostles, speaking to them of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, and giving them commission to preach the gospel to all nations, forty days after his resurrection, he, in our nature, and as our head, triumphing over enemies, visibly went up into the highest heavens, there to receive gifts for men, to raise up our affections thither, and to prepare a place for us, where he himself is, and shall continue till his second coming at the end of the world. 

Michael Cochran

The church planting minister for Gloucester Evangelical Presbyterian Church, in Gloucester England. He also does all the graphic design for GRUK and is a board game enthusiast.


Teaology 35


Exodus 9:13—10:29