5MB: Chapter 2
5 Minutes with Herman Bavinck
Tim continues through Herman Bavinck’s systematic theology The Wonderful Works of God, “The Knowledge of God” (chapter 2).
5MB: Chapter 1
Tim continues with chapter 1 of The Wonderful Works of God by the theologian Herman Bavinck. Listen, enjoy, and pick up your own copy to read along!
Philemon (Andy Young)
Andy Young, of Oxford Evangelical Presbyterian Church, preached the installation service for Rev Larry Wilkes at Whaddon Road Evangelical Presbyterian Church. It was a wonderful sermon on Philemon and is relevant to all church members and those who attend. So listen and be blessed.
5 Minutes with Bavink (1)
We are working our way through Herman Bavink’s work of theology, The Wonderful Works of God, section by section. Join Tim as he gives a brief overview of the chapter.