Acts 7:30-44
We’ve been going through Stephen’s speech in Acts 7.
Or listen here (and subscribe to our podcast feed!)
Acts 7:17-29
We’ve been going through Stephen’s speech in Acts 7.
Acts 7:17-29
You can listen to the audio here or subscribe to our podcast feed.
Acts 7:1-16
We’ve been going through Stephen’s speech in Acts 7.
Acts 7:1-16
We had an issue with the live stream and the sound did not pick up. But you can listen to the audio here.
Acts 6:8-15
We had problems with the audio on the live-stream. You can listen below to a better recording.
5MB - Chapter 4
Tim continues through Herman Bavinck’s The Wonderful Works of God, coming to chapter 4, “The Value of General Revelation”.
5MB - Chapter 3
Tim goes over General Revelation in Herman Bavinck’s Wonderful Works of God. Listen now and subscribe to our podcast!
The Lord’s Prayer: 6th Petition (1)
We look at the first part of the 6th petition “lead us not into temptation.”